Home Health Care Pharmacy is glad to offer you a variety of equipment for your mobility and transport as well as for your comfort and support needs. Our services range from equipment rental and delivery plus set up, and equipment installation. Below are a few of the services we offer. 

For sanitary reasons we do not rent raised toilet seats, commodes or bath/shower chairs or benches.

Rental in Store Pick Up Only

Day: N/A
Week: $15.00
Month: $30.00

Day: $10.00
Week: $20.00
Month: $60.00

Day: N/A
Week: N/A
Month: $75.00

Day: $10.00
Week: N/A
Month: N/A

Rental with Delivery & Set Up

Rental does not include delivery/setup/take down fee of $65.00

Geriatric Tilt & Recline Chair

Geriatric Tilt & Recline Chair

Basic depending on availability
Day: N/A
Week: $75.00
Month: $185.00

Power Wheelchair

Power Wheelchair

Day: N/A
Week: $75.00
Month: $200.00

Scooter, 4 wheel

Day: N/A
Week: $75.00
Month: $200.00

Knee Scooter

Day: N/A
Week: $25.00
Month: $75.00

Lift & Recline Chair

Basic depending on availability
Day: N/A
Week: $75.00
Month: $200.00

Hospital Bed, Electric

Hospital Bed, Electric

Requires purchase of spillproof mattress cover
Day: N/A
Week: $60.00
Month: $185.00

Ramp, 5’ folding

Ramp 5' Folding

Day: N/A
Week: $30.00
Month: $75.00

Ramp, 10' folding

Ramp 10' Folding

Day: N/A
Week: $40.00
Month: $100.00

Equipment Installation

Safety Grab Bar

Grab Bar


M Rail/Bed Side Rails

M Rail


Superpole, basic



Superpole, with super bar

Superpole with bar


Raised Toilet Seat


Shower Head


For more information or to contact us to request a service, call 204 727 2483.