We all know that medications won’t work the way that they are supposed to if we don’t take them like we should. Home Health Care Pharmacy offers a variety of options to help simplify the task of organizing medications, and take the guesswork out of knowing how and when to take the medication correctly.

Compliance Packaging

Also called a bubble or blister pack, this is a monthly option for packaging your medications in easy to use week to week blister packs.  All you have to do is punch out the correct bubble for the day and time and you are set!  How convenient is that?!

Pouch Packaging

Some people would prefer not to have their medications in a bubble pack or blister pack, because the packaging is bulky and not easily transported. A more compact alternative to bubble packs is a pouch-packed medication. This type of medication packaging is similar to bubble packs in that multiple medications can be packaged together. The package is a small, handy, portable sealed plastic pouch, which has printed on it all of the information which is normally found on your prescription vial label, as well as the date and time that it is to be taken.

It is important to note that these packs are not CHILD PROOF, which takes away a layer of safety. Consider purchasing a lockable medication box custom-built to hold a month’s supply of bubble packs safely and securely. This storage solution ensures that only the right people will have access to the medications. See the options here.

For more information on ways we can help you organize your medications, talk to any one of our pharmacy team members.